Lycée André Cuzin Caluire
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Le lycée des métiers de la construction et de l’habitat durables André Cuzin à Caluire 69 propose des formations aux métiers du bâtiment, du CAP au Bac Pro dans les filières de l’énergie, l’électricité, la maçonnerie, la menuiserie, les finitions (peinture) et de l’économie du bâtiment.
Le lycée accueille aussi une classe de troisième prépa métiers et une ULIS

Our vocational courses
Article mis en ligne le 14 novembre 2017
dernière modification le 17 juin 2021


TEMSEC : Heating and air-conditioning maintenance technician

The holder of the « Baccalauréat Professionnel TEMSEC » diploma is a professional in charge of preventive and corrective maintenance operations on heating and air-conditioning installations of all sizes and types. He is likely to work in companies of different sizes and he can perform troubleshooting, repairing, adjustment and commissioning tasks.
In broad sectors, he is entrusted with a certain number of clients and conducts technical visits in their premises at contractually scheduled frequencies. He organises his visits within the framework defined by his manager. He has the necessary means to work independently : vehicle, communication and maintenance tools...
As a permanent member of staff, he works on installations with sizes and importance which justify the presence of a specific maintenance and operating staff : heating appliances networks, large office buildings, energy production plant of industrial sites... He therefore works in team under the supervision of a site manager.

Examples of occupations :
  After-sales service manager,
  Heating and ventilation engineering maintenance technician.

After the “Baccalauréat” diploma :
The first aim of the Baccalauréat Professionnel diploma is the integration into the world of work, but enrolling in B.T.S. (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur equivalent of the British HND - Higher National Diploma) is possible with very good academic records or as of right when passing the Baccalauréat with Honours or Distinction, especially in a BTS in the same professional field (fluids, energies, environment or home automation).

Translated by Ilham Moufassih


TISEC : Heating and air-conditioning installation technician

The holder of the Heating and air-conditioning systems technician diploma is a professional technician in charge of setting up heating and air-conditioning equipments.
His activities are mainly focused on the realisation of facilities and on the construction sites management in the following application areas :
  Air-conditioning ;
  Ventilation ;
  Thermal energy ;
  Plumbing and sanitary facilities.

The realisation of facilities includes setting up and connecting equipments, wiring and connecting electrical devices, setting control and regulation systems.
The work site organisation includes taking into account schedules, task assignments, receipt of equipments, work follow-up and commissioning.
This professional technician can work for small businesses or for SMEs in the energy sector.

Examples of occupations :
  Heating and air-conditioning equipments fitter,
  Refinery machine operator,
  Heating and air-conditioning maintenance technician,
  Gas network technician.

The first aim of this diploma is the integration into the world of work, but enrolling in B.T.S. (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur equivalent of the British HND - Higher National Diploma) is possible with very good academic records or as of right when passing the Baccalauréat with Honours or Distinction, especially in a BTS in the same professional field (fluids, energies, environment).

Translated by Ilham Moufassih


TCB : Wood construction technician

The holder of this diploma operates in workshops and on sites to manufacture and set up structure works and frameworks made of wood or materials derived from wood.

His activities consist in :
  Preparing the manufacturing process of a work according to the building plans and architectural specifications, the wood construction standards and regulations, but also according to the business constraints.
  Constructing wood works in compliance with the current manufacturing techniques and methods of carpentry and wood construction.
  Organising and managing the wood construction worksite follow-up within a team made up of several workers and master craftsmen.

The manufacturer technician works in craft or industrial companies that manufacture and install timber structures and frameworks in the building, housing and environment areas.
The first aim of this diploma is the integration into the world of work, but enrolling in B.T.S. in the field of wood (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur equivalent of the British HND - Higher National Diploma) is possible with very good academic records or the completion of the Baccalauréat with Honours or Distinction.

Translated by Ilham Moufassih


TBORGO : Building and structural works technician

The holder of this diploma carries out all the main structural works on new construction, renovation or rehabilitation projects according to directives in the following sectors : construction of detached houses, buildings, civil engineering structures, general building works, manufacturing of concrete parts for construction. He can work in craft companies, SMEs or in large companies.

Whether working alone or in team, he is often autonomous on site and responsible for the proper execution and follow-up of the assigned work. He may also be expected to undertake simple representation of his company head or mentoring functions.
From the outset, his activity requires good knowledge of the materials and their implementation, tools and equipments, technical as well as health and safety rules. He must be able to use advanced technology equipments, to carry out surveys of the different parts of the work and to take into account the existing quality and environmental standards.

Depending on his expectations, his experience and his abilities, he will gradually be able to supervise less qualified workers, or even move on towards team management, site supervision, creation or takeover of a craft company.

Examples of occupations :
  Site foreman,
  construction manager,
  Form setter,
  Builder / bricklayer.

Translated by Ilham Moufassih


AFB : Painting and decorating technician

The holder of this diploma carries out various indoor partitions (ceilings, partition walls), floor coverings and applies wall coatings and outdoor or indoor finishing products (painting, plaster). He works on site in new construction or renovation projects.

He is in charge of the work realization and management. He ensures in particular the continuity of activities on site and the respect of set deadlines. Under the responsibility of the company head or the works supervisor, he refers to the technical studies conducted by the company to carry out his work. He is also assigned to supervise and handle a team of four or five workers.

With a sound professional experience gained on construction sites he can quickly move on towards the qualification of team manager.

The first aim of this diploma is the integration into the world of work, but very good academic records or the completion of the Baccalauréat with Honours or Distinction may provide access to further education in :
  Brevet Professionnel Plastering and plasterboard
  Mention complémentaire Painting and decorating
  Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Fitting and finishing.

Translated by Ilham Moufassih


TBEE : Quantity surveying technician

The holder of this diploma can carry out activities :
  as a construction quantity surveyor or a construction estimator in various companies and in construction economists’ offices.
  as a technician in charge of the construction supervision in small companies or/and collaborating to the work preparation.
  as a CAD draughtsman in project management offices and in engineering and design departments.

He performs these tasks in the framework of public and private construction, renovation and rehabilitation projects of various scales and purposes and carries out his activities at the different stages of these projects design and construction process as detailed below :
  Development of the construction work descriptions,
  Cost estimates of construction projects,
  Invitation to Tender,
  Preparation of quotations,
  Awarding of contracts,
  Construction work preparation,
  Work follow-up,
  Acceptance of work and final construction site assessment.

He can work in project management offices, construction economists’ offices, engineering and design departments, crafts companies, SMEs or large building companies.

Translated by Ilham Moufassih

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